So what’s shaking?
Did ya go to World Hoop Day?
Super Love and local gal Hoop Cubed did, and this is the vid for WHD 2015 Houston.
And the Halloween Costume, how’s that going?
Got a Halloween date?
Cause we are all available and looking fly, and HAVING a TEACHER TRAINING.
So if you are looking for a flow arts business training, heres your big chance.
And seriously, who wouldn’t want to roll with these guys.
Pretty sure we are going to a party afterwards, so that’s ON!
Or we could get really crazytown and go watch Emma.
Here is a sneak peak at the schedule for alums who want to attend, hit us up and let us know you are coming! (click the photo to see the entire schedule)
PRH Peeps
ps hit reply and tell us whats going onnnnnnnnnn.
pps Class at Discovery Green Park is blazing away and I pretty much love this photo of the class vacuuming their way back across the field.