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My friend Jennette from Hey Now Hooping and I love to bubble. Like super love!



And if you are reading along, you might too. So here is the 411.
Wands are cheap to make but a pain in the ass to chase down all the parts. You need dowels, cotton yarn, and a way to get the yarn stuck to the dowels. Tie something heavy at the bottom of the yarn so that it has tension for making bubbles. I use a washer, J uses a bolt. Barbie torso would be another option, get creative!


There are two recipes for bubble juice.
Everyday Plain Jayne or Le Fancy.


Plain Jayne Juice

  • 16c. warm water
  • 2 Tblsp baking powder
  • 1c. Joy or Dawn Dish soap


LeFancy Pro Juice

  • 16c. warm water
  • 2 Tblsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tspn J-Lube CPI (online)
  • 2 Tblsp glycerin (find at the grocery store)
  • 1 cup Dawn Platinum dish soap

Mix dry ingredients, then gently add wet ingredients.




 On-site making the big bubble checklist:

  • Check the wind, the bubbles will go that way….
  • On the grass or a towel cause the juice will create slipperiness
  • Kids try to pop them so careful they don’t kick your bucket over
  • Dip wands into juice, lift and then open, take a step back, then close to seal off bubble
  • Adults like them too!



Way to go bubble master! Tag your pics #CoolHoneysCircus so we can clap and cheer with you!